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Wyświetlanie pozycji 55-74 z 681
Bacterial and viral rodent-borne infections on poultry farms. An attempt at a systematic review
(National Veterinary Research Institute, 2023)Introduction: Rodents are quite common at livestock production sites. Their adaptability, high reproductive capacity and omnivorousness make them apt to become a source of disease transmission to humans and animals. Rodents ... -
Bacterial communities of the oviduct of turkeys
(NATURE PUBLISHING GROUP, 2022)Bacterial communities in the reproductive tract of avian species play an important role in keeping birds healthy and encouraging growth. Infection can occur during egg formation with pathogens that can be transmitted to ... -
Badanie wpływu mutacji w regionie LTR oraz genie tax wirusa enzootycznej białaczki bydła na poziom replikacji wirusa u zwierząt zakażonych
(Państwowy Instytut Naukowy-PIB w Puławach, 2021)Celem pracy była ocena występowania i charakteru mutacji w regionach regulatorowych LTR i genie tax wirusa enzootycznej białaczki bydła (BLV) i określenie związku tych mutacji z aktywnością transkrypcyjną wirusa i poziomem ... -
Baicalin decreases somatic cell count in mastitis of dairy cows
(2021)Baicalin is a flavonoid that has an influence on molecular processes. It possesses anticancer, anti-inflammatory, antiviral, antioxidative, and antithrombotic properties. It was found that baica-lein treatment attenuated ... -
Bakteryjne choroby odzwierzęce u ludzi oraz ich czynniki etiologiczne u zwierząt i w żywności w krajach Unii Europejskiej w 2019 r.
(2021)As in previous years, the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), and the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC), published Report on the monitoring of zoonoses and zoonotic agents in the European Union ... -
Bakteryjne choroby odzwierzęce u ludzi przenoszone drogą pokarmową oraz ich czynniki etiologiczne u zwierząt i w żywności w krajach Unii Europejskiej w 2021 r.
(Krajowa Izba Lekarsko-Weterynaryjna, 2023)In December 2022, the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) and the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) published the recent report on the monitoring of zoonozes and zoonotic agents in the European ... -
Bakteryjne zapalenia płuc u świń- charakterystyka i rozpoznawanie
(Elamed Media Group, 2021)Wśród możliwych zaburzeń w układzie oddechowym na pierwsze miejsce pod względem częstości występowania oraz istotności wysuwa się zapalenie płuc. Obraz morfologiczny zapalenia płuc zdeterminowany jest przez wiele czynników, ... -
Balantidium coli in pig farms suspected of porcine circovirus type 2 (PCV2) associated enteritis
(National Veterinary Research Institute in Pulawy, 2021)Introduction: Diarrhoea in growing-finishing pigs is a common problem of commercial pig farms. Among many causative factors, porcine circovirus type 2 (PCV2) is one considered an important pathogen in modern pig production. ... -
Bee venom effect on glioblastoma cells viability and gelatinase secretion
(2022)Background: The involvement of MMP-2 and MMP-9 in the pathogenesis of various kinds of cancers including glioblastoma is well documented. The evaluation of the anticancer potential of honey bee (Apis mellifera) venom (BV) ... -
Beekeepers Guide To Honey Bee Viruses
(2021)All life forms, including bees (wild and domesticated species) are threatened by various viruses. They can be singular species-specific or infect a broad range of host (i.e. pollinators). Viral particles are basically a ... -
Biologiczne skażenie gleby - zagrożeniem dla zdrowia ludzi i zwierząt oraz środowiska
(Instytut Medycyny Wsi im. Witolda Chodźki w Lublinie, 2024)Wprowadzenie i cel pracy. Gleba stanowi miejsce akumulacji groźnych dla życia ludzi i zwierząt patogenów. Zgodnie z polskimi normami gleba jest badana na obecność bakterii z rodzaju Salmonella, a także jaj pasożytów ... -
Biomarkers of Deoxynivalenol, Citrinin, Ochratoxin A and Zearalenone in Pigs after Exposure to Naturally Contaminated Feed Close to Guidance Values
(MDPI, 2021)This study applied multi-mycotoxin liquid chromatography with tandem mass spectrometric detection (LC-MS/MS) methods to determine the biomarkers of exposure in urine and serum samples from a dose-response study with pigs. ... -
Biosecurity measures to control hepatitis E virus on European pig farms
(Frontiers, 2024)Hepatitis E virus (HEV) genotype 3 is a prevalent zoonotic pathogen in European pig farms, posing a significant public health risk primarily through the foodborne route. The study aimed to identify effective biosecurity ... -
Bluetongue virus in Europe: The current epidemiological situation
(Polskie Towarzystwo Nauk Weterynaryjnych, 2022)The article reviews the history of BT occurrence in Europe and its present status. It describes the distribution of BT in Europe before 1998, the emergence of BTV in southern and eastern Europe in 1998-2006 and the ... -
Botulinum toxin in cancer therapy-current perspectives and limitations
(2021)Different serotypes of botulinum toxins (BoNTs) act upon different types of SNARE proteins. This property is used in aesthetic medicine to treat certain eye disorders such as crossed eyes (strabismus) and uncontrolled ... -
Bovine and Pig Carcasses as a Source of Campylobacter in Poland: A Reservoir for Antimicrobial-Resistant Campylobacter coli
(2021)Campylobacter is one of the most common causes of foodborne bacterial infections worldwide. Why poultry has been shown to be one of the most significant sources of these bacteria, ruminants, especially cattle, are also ... -
Brominated flame retardant in animal feeds from Poland
(England : Elsevier Applied Science Publishers, 2024)The safety of food of animal origin is closely related to feed quality. Feed pollution by brominated flame retardants (BFRs) leads to the exposure of animals and consumers of food of animal origin to these substances. The ... -
Building an International One Health strain level database to characterise the epidemiology of AMR threats: ESBL — AmpC Producing E. coli as an example — challenges and perspectives
(MDPI, 2023)Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is one of the top public health threats nowadays. Among the most important AMR pathogens, Escherichia coli resistant to extended spectrum cephalosporins(ESC-EC) is a perfect example of the ... -
Caesium-137 in the muscles of game animals in 2015-2022 – levels and time trend
(National Veterinary Research Institute in Pulawy; Poland, 2024)Introduction: Radioactive caesium-137 occurring in the environment may be taken up by plants and animals and pose a trophic threat to humans. Game animals living in forest ecosystems are very good bioindicators of the level ... -
Carcinogenicity of gentian violet, leucogentian violet, malachite green, leucomalachite green, and CI Direct Blue 218
(Elsevier, 2021)In February–March, 2021, a Working Group of 11 scientists from eight countries met remotely at the invitation of the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) to finalise their evaluation of the carcinogenicity ...