Biomarkers of Deoxynivalenol, Citrinin, Ochratoxin A and Zearalenone in Pigs after Exposure to Naturally Contaminated Feed Close to Guidance Values
Oglądaj/ Open
Tkaczyk, Agnieszka
Jedziniak, Piotr
Zielonka, Łukasz
Dąbrowski, Michał
Ochodzki, Piotr
Rudawska, Adrianna
Pokaż pełny rekordStreszczenie
This study applied multi-mycotoxin liquid chromatography with tandem mass spectrometric detection (LC-MS/MS) methods to determine the biomarkers of exposure in urine and serum
samples from a dose-response study with pigs. The 24 studied pigs were divided into three groups:
a control and two experimental ones (with different levels of feed contamination). They were exposed to feed prepared from cereals contaminated with deoxynivalenol (DON), zearalenone (ZEN),
ochratoxin A (OTA) and citrinin (CIT) for 14 days. After that, both experimental groups received the
same feed as the control group for the next 14 days to determine the kinetics of the disappearance
of mycotoxin biomarkers. Urine samples were collected daily in the morning and blood samples—
eight-times during the experiment. The study reported herein was the first prolonged exposure
experiment for multiple mycotoxins like OTA and CIT in pigs. The urinary and serum levels of all
biomarkers correlated well with the respective toxin intake; thereby demonstrating that they are
suitable biomarkers of exposure in pigs. Urine is a good candidate to monitor DON, ZEN, OTA, CIT
exposure while serum may be used to monitor DON, OTA and CIT. Additionally, OTA has even been
quantified in both matrices in the experimental groups two weeks after changing the contaminated
feed back to the control, this result differed from those produced by the other mycotoxins which
were only quantified during the first two weeks. Therefore both matrices are suitable candidates to
monitor prolonged OTA exposure in pigs
- Publikacje [597]