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Wyświetlanie pozycji 484-503 z 678
Quantification of twenty pharmacologically active dyes in water samples using UPLC-MS/MS
(Elsevier Ltd, 2022)This study presents a multi-compound method for the determination of 20 pharmacologically active dyes from 5 different chemical classes in environmental water samples. These compounds, including triphenylmethane dyes ... -
Quasispecies composition of small ruminant lentiviruses found in blood leukocytes and milk epithelial cells
(MDPI, 2021)Small ruminant lentiviruses (SRLVs) exist as populations of closely related genetic variants, known as quasispecies, within an individual host. The privileged way of SRLVs transmission in goats is through the ingestion of ... -
Quo vadis zootechniko?
(Polskie Towarzystwo Zootechniczne, 2021)Począwszy od 2007 roku ASFV roku opanował wiele krajów Europy i Azji, sięgając również znacznie oddalonych wysp zarówno na Pacyfiku (Filipiny), jak i Oceanie Atlantyckim (Republika Zielonego Przylądka) i pozostając przy ... -
Rare earth element as the emerging contaminants in black tea - risk assessment resulting from the dietary exposure
(2021)In the recent years, a great increase of the interest in the rare earth elements (REEs) has been observed. Due to their specific properties, they are used in several areas including medicine, agriculture and some branches ... -
Re-emergence of Rabies in Mazowieckie Voivodship, Poland, 2021
(Wiley-VCH GmbH, Weinheim, 2022)Due to the oral vaccination of foxes against rabies most of the territory of Poland was freed from rabies of non-flying mammals. In January 2021, rabies was diagnosed in fox in the central part of Mazowieckie Voivodeship ... -
Recent role of microorganisms of the mollicutes class in the etiology of Bovine Respiratory Disease
(MDPI, 2024)Bovine respiratory disease (BRD) inflicts significant losses in cattle farming worldwide and is caused by the co-occurrence of various infectious agents which is often compounded by environmental factors. It is well known ... -
Reduction of antisense transcription affects bovine leukemia virus replication and oncogenesis
(PUBLIC LIBRARY SCIENCE, 2024)In sheep infected with bovine leukemia virus (BLV), transcription of structural, enzymatic, and accessory genes is silenced. However, the BLV provirus transcribes a series of non-coding RNAs that remain undetected by the ... -
Reflected Light Spectrometry and AI-Based Data Analysis for Detection of Rapid Chicken Eggshell Change Caused by Mycoplasma synoviae
(MDPI, 2021)Mycoplasma synoviae (MS) is a pathogen that causes economic losses in the poultry industry. It can be transmitted, amongst others, via the respiratory tract and spread relatively quickly. As such, MS infections are mainly ... -
Residues of an anthelmintic veterinary drug (closantel) detected in red foxes (Vulpes vulpes) in Scotland
(ELSEVIER SCIENCE, 2023)The contamination of the environment by some veterinary medicines and their impact on wild animals is ofincreasing concern. However, there is a lack of information about their residues in wildlife. The sentinel animalsmost ... -
Residues of veterinary antibiotics in solid natural and organic fertilizers—method development and sample analysis
(Springer, 2024)Livestock excrement is used around the world as natural fertilizers or, after processing, as organic fertilizers for crops andgrasslands. But due to the presence of veterinary antibiotics in them, they may pose a threat ... -
Results of Proficiency Testing for Trichinella in Poland, 2015–2019
(MDPI, 2021)Trichinellosis is a zoonotic meat-borne disease caused by the nematodes of the genus Trichinella. Meat containing live Trichinella larvae is a source of infection. The examination of meat for Trichinella was introduced in ... -
Retrospective study on equine viral abortions in Poland between 1999 and 2022
(National Veterinary Research Institute in Pulawy; Poland, 2023)Introduction: Loss of pregnancy in mares is a major cause of economic and emotional impact for horse breeders. It can have many different infectious and noninfectious causes. The aim of this study was identification of the ... -
Retroviral coinfection (Jaagsiekte and Maedi-Visna viruses) in sheep with pulmonary tumors in Transylvania (Romania): retrospective study on 82 cases.
(2024)Ovine pulmonary adenocarcinoma (OPA) is an important viral-induced neoplasiain sheep caused by exogenous Jaagsiekte sheep retrovirus (exJSRV). Coinfectionof exJSRV and Maedi-Visna virus (MVV) is reported in OPA cases, but ... -
Rift Valley Fever Phlebovirus Reassortment Study in Sheep
(MDPI, 2024)Rift Valley fever (RVF) in ungulates and humans is caused by a mosquito-borne RVFphlebovirus (RVFV). Live attenuated vaccines are used in livestock (sheep and cattle) to control RVFin endemic regions during outbreaks. The ... -
Rift Valley fever – a growing threat to humans and animals
(National Veterinary Research Institute in Pulawy; Poland, 2021)Rift Valley fever (RVF) is a zoonotic, vector-borne infectious disease of ruminants and camels transmitted mainly by the Aedes and Culex mosquito species. Contact with the blood or organs of infected animals ... -
Risk assessment of rare earth elements, antimony, barium, boron, lithium, tellurium, thallium and vanadium in teas
(2022)In recent years, a great intensification in the use of various elements especially in modern technologycan be observed. However, the anthropogenic activities, including industrialisation, urbanisation orintensive agriculture, ... -
Risk assessment of residues of coccidiostats in food 14 years after the introduction of maximum levels
(ELSEVIER, 2024)To ensure food safety, coccidiostats’ residue levels in food of animal origin are monitored to see if they comply with the established Maximum Residue Limits (MRL) and Maximum Levels (ML). The incidence of non-compliant ... -
Risk Factors for Antimicrobial Resistance in Turkey Farms: A Cross-Sectional Study in Three European Countries
(2021)Food-producing animals are an important reservoir and potential source of transmission ofantimicrobial resistance (AMR) to humans. However, research on AMR in turkey farms is limited.This study aimed to identify risk factors ... -
Risk factors for the abundance of antimicrobial resistance genes aph(3′)-III, erm(B), sul2 and tet(W) in pig and broiler faeces in nine European countries
(2021)Objectives: The occurrence and zoonotic potential of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) in pigs and broilers has been studied intensively in past decades. Here, we describe AMR levels of European pig and broiler farms and ... -
Risk of African swine fever virus transmission among wild boar and domestic pigs in Poland
(Frontiers, 2023)Introduction: African swine fever (ASF) is a notifiable disease of swine that impacts global pork trade and food security. In several countries across the globe, the disease persists in wild boar (WB) populations sympatric ...