Beekeepers Guide To Honey Bee Viruses
Bee Culture
All life forms, including bees (wild and domesticated species) are threatened by various viruses. They can be singular species-specific or infect a broad range of host (i.e. pollinators). Viral particles are basically a genetic material (RNA or DNA) encapsulated in a protective layer made of protein. Viruses can multiply only in living host cells.
Most viruses are so small that they can be observed only by using highly specialized techniques like electron microscopy (EM). However even in the EM many particles of non-related viruses, that cause very different diseases, look strikingly similiar. That is why the most reliable diagnostic methods are those using serological techniques (i.e. AGID) and molecular biology (i.e. PCR). In some cases the virus can be identified by the symptoms it causes in the colony.
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