Wyświetlanie pozycji 501-520 z 617

    • The Risk of False-Positive Serological Results for Paratuberculosis in Mycobacterium bovis-Infected Cattle 

      Didkowska, Anna; Krajewska-Wędzina, Monika; Klich, Daniel; Prolejko, Kinga; Orłowska, Blanka; Anusz, Krzysztof (MDPI, 2021)
      Both bovine tuberculosis (BTB) and paratuberculosis (paraTB) continue to cause significant economic losses in cattle breeding; in addition, their etiological agents have zoonotic potential. Although the diagnostics of both ...
    • Trichinella Outbreaks on Pig Farms in Poland in 2012–2020 

      Bilska-Zając, Ewa; Różycki, Mirosław; Korpysa-Dzirba, Weronika; Bełcik, Aneta; Ziętek-Barszcz, Anna; Włodarczyk-Ramus, Magdalena; Gontarczyk, Aneta; Cencek, Tomasz (MDPI, 2021)
      Trichinella nematodes continue to circulate in various hosts both in the domestic and sylvatic cycles. In the majority of countries in Europe, wild boars have been noticed as a primary source of Trichinella spp. infections ...
    • Analysis of a Trichinellosis Outbreak in Poland after Consumption of Sausage Made of Wild Boar Meat 

      Różycki, Mirosław; Korpysa-Dzirba, Weronika; Bełcik, Aneta; Pelec, Tomasz; Mazurek, Justyna; Cencek, Tomasz (MDPI, 2022)
      An outbreak of trichinellosis due to the consumption of sausage made from wild boar meat unexamined for the presence of Trichinella spp. was reported in Poland in December 2020. The outbreak affected eight people. Examination ...
    • Simple and reliable determination of total arsenic and its species in seafood by ICP-MS and HPLC-ICP-MS 

      Nawrocka, Agnieszka; Durkalec, Maciej; Michalski, Mirosław; Posyniak, Andrzej (ELSEVIER SCI LTD, 2022)
      Quantitative, rapid, selective and sensitive methods for the determination of total arsenic (tAs) and six arsenic compounds (arsenite (As(III)), arsenate (As(V)), arsenobetaine (AsB), arsenocholine (AsC), monomethylarsonic ...
    • Determinants for antimicrobial resistance genes in farm dust on 333 poultry and pig farms in nine European countries 

      Luiken, Roosmarijn; Heederik, Dick JJ.; Scherpenisse, Peter; Gompel Van, Liese; Heijnsbergen van, Eri; Greve, Gerdit; Jongerius-Gortemaker, Betty; Tersteeg-Zijderveld, Monique; Fischer, Jennie; Juraschek, Katharina; Skarżyńska, Magdalena; Zając, Magdalena; Wasyl, Dariusz; Wagenar, Jaap; Smit, Lidwien; Wouters, Inge; Mevius, Dik; Schmitt, Heike (Elsevier, 2022)
      Livestock feces with antimicrobial resistant bacteria reaches the farm floor, manure pit, farm land and wider environment by run off and aerosolization. Little research has been done on the role of dust in the spread of ...
    • Wszystko o nosemozie (2) 

      Pohorecka, Krystyna; Bober, Andrzej (Pszczelnicze Towarzystwo Naukowe, 2022)
      Gatunek Nosema ceranae u europejskich pszczół miodnych stwierdzono w roku 2006. Odkrycie zbiegło się z masowymi stratami rodzin pszczelich w wielu krajach. W wyniku tej koincydencji Nosema ceranae uznano za wysoce ...
    • Photonic Label-Free Biosensors for Fast and Multiplex Detection of Swine Viral Diseases 

      Gómez-Gómez, Maribel; Sánchez, Carles; Peransi, Sergio; Zurita, David; Bellieres, Laurent; Recuero, Sara; Rodrigo, Manuel; Simón, Santiago; Camarca, Alessandra; Capo, Alessandro; Staiano, Maria; Varriale, Antonio; D`Auria, Sabato; Manessis, Georgios; Gelasakis, Athnasios I.; Bossis, Ioannis; Balka, Gyula; Dénes, Lilla; Frant, Maciej; Nannucci, Lapo; Bonasso, Matteo; Giusti, Alessandro; Griol, Amadeu (MDPI, 2022)
      In this paper we present the development of photonic integrated circuit (PIC) biosensors for the label-free detection of six emerging and endemic swine viruses, namely: African Swine Fever Virus (ASFV), Classical Swine ...
    • The markers of stress in swine oral fluid 

      Giergiel, Marta; Olejnik, Małgorzata; Jabłoński, Artur; Posyniak, Andrzej (2021)
      The study measured the hormonal and protein markers of acute stress, those of oxidative stress and total antioxidant capacity (TAC) in swine oral fluid, determined which of these parameters would be the ...
    • Vaccines for Mycoplasma Diseases of Small Ruminants: A Neglected Area of Research 

      Dudek, Katarzyna; Sevimli, Umit; Migliore, Sergio; Jafarizadeh, Amirreza; Loria, Guido R.; Nicholas, Robin A.J. (MDPI, 2022)
      Mycoplasmas cause some of the most economically important diseases of sheep and goats, including diseases listed by the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) such as contagious caprine pleuropneumonia (CCPP) and ...
    • Zdrowie świń - prewencja i terapia 

      Pejsak, Zygmunt; Cencek, Tomasz (Polskie Wydawnictwo Rolnicze , Poznań, 2021)
      Najnowsza książka prof. Zygmunta Pejsaka przygotowana we współpracy z zespołem Autorów, ekspertów w zakresie ochrony zdrowia świń, diagnostyki laboratoryjnej, profilaktyki oraz leczenia, a także specjalistów w zakresie ...
    • Zdrowie świń - prewencja i terapia 

      Pejsak, Zygmunt; Czyżewska-Dors, Ewelina (Polskie Wydawnictwo Rolnicze , Poznań, 2021)
    • Timber‑colonizing gram‑negative bacteria as potential causative agents of respiratory diseases in woodworkers 

      Wójcik-Fatla, Angelina; Mackiewicz, Barbara; Sawczyn-Domańska, Anna; Sroka, Jacek; Siwiec, Jan; Paściak, Mariola; Szponar, Bogumiła; Pawlik, Krzysztof; Dutkiewicz, Jacek (Springer, 2022)
      Occurrence Gram-negative bacteria occur commonly in the inner tissues of stored coniferous and deciduous timber, showing a marked variation in numbers. The greatest maximal numbers are found in the sapwood of coniferous ...
    • Overview of Cattle Diseases Listed Under Category C, D or E in the Animal Health Law for Which Control Programmes Are in Place Within Europe 

      Hodnik, J.; Acinger-Rogić, Z.; Alishani, M.; Autio, T.; Balseiro, A.; Berezowski, J.; Carmo, L.; Chaligiannis, I.; Conrady, B.; Costa, L.; Cvetkovikj, I.; Davidov, I.; Dispas, M.; Djadjovski, I.; Duarte, E.; Faverjon, C.; Fourichon, Ch.; Frössling, J.; Gerilovych, A.; Gethmann, J.; Gomes, J.; Graham, D.; Guelbenzu, M.; Gunn, G.; Henry, M.; Hopp, P.; Houe, H.; Irimia, E.; Ježek, J.; Juste, R.; Kalaitzakis, E.; Kaler, J.; Kaplan, S.; Kostoulas, P.; Kovalenko, K.; Kneževič, N.; Knific, T.; Koleci, X.; Madouasse, A.; Malakauskas, A.; Mandelik, R.; Meletis, E.; Mincu, M.; Motus, K.; Munoz-Gómez, V.; Niculae, M.; Nikitović, J.; Ocepek, M.; Tangen-Opsal, M.; Ózsvári, L.; Papadopoulos, D.; Papadopoulos, T.; Pelkonen, S.; Polak, M.; Pozzato, N.; Rapaliuté, E.; Ribbens, S.; Niza-Ribeiro, J.; Roch, F.; Nielsen, L.; Saez, J.; Nielsen, S.; Schaik, G.; Schwan, E.; Sekovska, B.; Starič, J.; Strain, S.; Šatran, P.; Šerić-Haračić, S.; Tamminen, L.; Thulke, H.; Toplak, I.; Tuunainen, E.; Verner, S.; Vilček ., S.; Yildiz, R.; Santman-Berends, I. (FRONTIERS MEDIA SA, 2021)
      The COST action “Standardising output-based surveillance to control non-regulated diseases of cattle in the European Union (SOUND control),” aims to harmonise the results of surveillance and control programmes (CPs) for ...
    • XLVI Szkolenie-Konferencja Hodowców Ryb Łososiowatych. Materiały szkoleniowe 

      Mitrowska, Kamila; Tkaczyk-Wlizło, Angelika (Stowarzyszenie Producentów Ryb Łososiowatych, 2021)
      W ostatnich latach wzrosło zainteresowanie losami związków chemicznych w środowisku wodnym. Istnieje wiele doniesień o obecności w środowisku wodnym związków chemicznych, takich jak pestycydy, hormony steroidowe czy ...
    • Surveillance of foodborne parasitic diseases in Europe in a One Health approach 

      van der Giessen, Joke; Deksne, Gunita; Gómez-Morales, Maria; Troell, Karin; Gomes, Jacinto; Sotriaki, Smaragda; Różycki, Mirosław; Kucsera, Istvan; Djurković-Djaković, Olga; Robertson, Lucy (Elsevier, 2021)
      In 2012, WHO/FAO ranked 24 foodborne parasites (FBP) using multicriteria decision analysis (MCDA) to provide risk assessors with a basis for prioritising control of highly ranked FBP on the global level. One conclusion was ...
    • Identification of histamine in fish and fish products in Poland during 2014–2018 

      Pawul-Gruba, Marzena; Osek, Jacek (National Veterinary Research Institute in Pulawy, 2021)
      Histamine is one of the most important and toxic biogenic amines which may be present in food and may cause food poisoning in humans when contained at a high level. It is produced during bacterial decarboxylation of histidine ...
    • Mutations of p53 gene in canine sweat gland carcinomas probably associated with UV radiation 

      Jasik, Agnieszka; Kycko, Anna; Olech, Monika; Wyrostek, Krzysztof; Śmiech, Anna; Łopuszyński, Wojciech; Otrocka-Domagała, Iwona; Mikiewicz, Mateusz; Dolka, Izabella (National Veterinary Research Institute in Pulawy, 2021)
      Apocrine sweat gland carcinomas (ASGCs) are rare malignant skin tumours in dogs and humans. The literature published so far focuses mostly on the clinico-epidemiological aspect of these tumours, but little is known about ...
    • Occurrence and antimicrobial resistance of enterococci isolated from goat's milk 

      Gołaś - Prądzyńska, Marlena; Rola, Jolanta G. (National Veterinary Research Institute in Pulawy, 2021)
      Enterococci are widespread, being part of the bacterial flora of humans and animals. The food chain can be therefore considered as the main route of transmission of antibiotic resistant bacteria between the animal and human ...
    • Botulinum toxin in cancer therapy-current perspectives and limitations 

      Grenda, Tomasz; Grenda, Anna; Krawczyk, Paweł; Kwiatek, Krzysztof (2021)
      Different serotypes of botulinum toxins (BoNTs) act upon different types of SNARE proteins. This property is used in aesthetic medicine to treat certain eye disorders such as crossed eyes (strabismus) and uncontrolled ...
    • Strategia wykorzystania owadów jako alternatywnych źródeł białka w żywieniu zwierząt oraz możliwości rozwoju jego produkcji na terytorium Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej 

      Bakuła, Tadeusz; Koncicki, Andrzej; Lewczuk, Bogdan; Obremski, Kazimierz; Murawska, Daria; Daszkiewicz, Tomasz; Sobotka, Wiesław; Kwiatek, Krzysztof; Nawrocka, Agnieszka; Warenik-Bany, Małgorzata (2021)
      Polska, podobnie jak pozostałe państwa członkowskie UE, jest krajem z ograniczonym asortymentem wysokobiałkowych surowców paszowych mogących stanowić wartościowe komponenty do produkcji pasz. Celem tej publikacji jest ...