Celem Repozytorium jest realizacja Polityki Otwartego Dostępu w zakresie gromadzenia, udostępniania oraz archiwizowania dorobku naukowego i dydaktycznego Państwowego Instytutu Weterynaryjnego PIB w Puławach.

Wybierz zbiór, którego kolekcje chcesz przeglądać.

  • Impact of manure and artificial fertilizer application on metal and metalloid distributions in agricultural soils and crops 

    Felipe-Sotelo, M.; Brandtner, M.; Ward, N.I.; Al Sid Cheikh, M.; Chambers, M.A.; Rab, G.; Cabal Rosel, A.; Woegerbauer, M.; Hassan, M.M.; La Ragione, R.; Tenson, T.; Kisand, V.; Jeremejeva, J.; Kořínková, M.; Drahošová, Z.; de Menezes, A.B.; Gajda, Anna; Gbylik-Sikorska, Małgorzata; Caniça, M. (PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD, ENGLAND, 2025)
    The application of animal manure to agricultural soil is a very common practice to improve soils fertility, providing a rich source of organic matter and nutrients. However, the presence of certain trace elements in the ...
  • Molecular confirmation of the systemic toxoplasmosis in cat 

    Sroka, Jacek; Piotrowska, Weronika; Wójcik-Fatla, Angelika; Bilska-Zając, Ewa; Karamon, Jacek; Zdybel, Jolanta; Dąbrowska, Joanna; Samorek-Pieróg, Małgorzata; Korpysa-Dzirba, Weronika; Cencek, Tomasz (Polish Parasitological Society, 2024)
    Systemic toxoplasmosis with tissue-spread parasites occurring in intermediate hosts may also occur in immunocompromised cats (e.g. infected with FLV or FIV). The case of the sudden death of 3 out of 4 cats in a cattery, ...
  • Molecular prevalence of Toxoplasma gondii in raw meat products sold in Poland. Assessment of the viability of detected parasites 

    Sroka, Jacek; Piotrowska, Weronika; Wójcik-Fatla, Angelina; Bilska-Zając, Ewa; Karamon, Jacek; Zdybel, Jolanta; Dąbrowska, Joanna; Korpysa-Dzirba, Weronika; Samorek-Pieróg, Małgorzata; Cencek, Tomasz (Polish Parasitological Society, 2024)
    Raw and undercooked meat products and meat containing To x-oplasma gondii tissue cysts are considered the main source of human toxoplasmosis in Europe, however data on this subject in Poland are still insufficient. The ...
  • Variation in the pollen diet of managed bee species across European agroecosystems 

    Tourbez, Clément; Gekiere, Antoine; Bottero, Irene; Chauzat, Marie-Pierre; Cini, Elana; Corvucci, Francesca; de Miranda, Joachim R.; Di Prisco, Gennaro; Dominik, Christophe; Grillenzon, Francesca V.; Hodge, Simon; Kiljanek, Tomasz; Knauer, Anina; Laurent, Marion; Martínez-Lopez, Vicente; Raimets, Risto; Schwarz, Janine M.; Senapathi, Deepa; Serra, Giorgia; Tamburini, Giovanni; Wintermantel, Dimitry; Brown, Mark J.F.; Albrecht, Matthias; Costa, Cecilia; De la Rúa, Pilar; Klein, Alexandra-Maria; Mand, Marika; Potts, Simon G.; Rundlo, Maj; Schweiger, Oliver; Stout, Jane; Michez, Denis (ELSEVIER, 2025)
    Bee-mediated pollination plays a crucial role in sustaining global food production. However, while the demand for these pollination services is increasing, many bee species are in decline. To address this discrepancy, ...
  • Comparative Whole Genome Sequencing of Tritrichomonas foetus isolates from different hosts reveals genetic differences and implications for transmission patterns 

    Dąbrowska, Joanna; Keller, Irene; Karamon, Jacek; Sroka, Jacek; Piotrowska, Weronika; Gottstein, Bruno; Cencek, Tomasz; Frey, Caroline; Müller, Norbert (Polish Parasitological Society, 2024)
    Tritrichomonas foetus is a protozoan parasite that colonizes the re-productive tract of cattle as well as the gastrointestinal tract of cats. Furthermore, T. foetus is known as an essentially apathogenic commensal located ...

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