Wyświetlanie pozycji 1-6 z 6
Wybrane aspekty sanitarno-weterynaryjne wytwarzania oraz stosowania nawozów organicznych i naturalnych
(Krajowa Izba Lekarsko-Weterynaryjna, 2022)
The use of natural and organic fertilizers is increasing, as it makes it possible
to use a significant amount of products from the rendering sector and the
environment of livestock farming. This translates into the ...
Animal botulism in Poland – laboratory and epidemiological investigations
(National Veterinary Research Institute in Pulawy, 2022)
The aim of the study was to present cases of botulism in animals found in Poland in 2019–2021. The
analytical laboratory diagnosis and difficulties that occurred in the interpretation of the results are described. Material ...
Enterococci—Involvement in Pathogenesis and Therapeutic Potential in Cancer Treatment: A Mini-Review
Enterococcus spp. are Gram-positive, heterogeneous lactic acid bacteria inhabiting various
environments. Several species of Enterococci are considered to be able to stimulate the immune
system and play an important role ...
Microbiological contamination of feed – current hazards and new challenges
(Polskie Towarzystwo Nauk Weterynaryjnych, 2022)
Feed microflora remains a very complex and still largely uncharacterized ecosystem. Given the wide range of
potential sources of microbial contamination that may come into contact with feed, a variety of microorganisms, ...
Probiotic Potential of Clostridium spp.—Advantages and Doubts
(MDPI, 2022)
Clostridium spp. is a large genus of obligate anaerobes and is an extremely heterogeneous
group of bacteria that can be classified into 19 clusters. Genetic analyses based on the next-
generation sequencing of 16S rRNA ...
Lecznica Dużych Zwierząt. Monografia: Nowe formy profilaktyki i terapii wybranych chorób bydła
Za najważniejsze czynniki zatruć można uznać C.botulinum i toksynę botulinowwą, toksyczne alkaloidy roślinne, formaldehyd czy azotany (V) i azotany (III). W związku z powyższym, przedmiotem opracowania są wybrane czynniki ...