Wybrane aspekty sanitarno-weterynaryjne wytwarzania oraz stosowania nawozów organicznych i naturalnych
Życie Weterynaryjne
Patyra, Ewelina
Grenda, Tomasz
Osiński, Zbigniew
Kwiatek, Krzysztof
Pokaż pełny rekordStreszczenie
The use of natural and organic fertilizers is increasing, as it makes it possible
to use a significant amount of products from the rendering sector and the
environment of livestock farming. This translates into the possibility of
maintaining the appropriate biological, physical and chemical properties of
the soil, and thus directly affects the state of the natural environment, as well
as the safety of production of plant origin food (e.g. cereals, vegetables, fruit)
and animal origin food, through feed. The threats from the above-mentioned
sources should be properly identified, monitored and, after exceeding the critical
values due to the achieved risk level, minimized. Many risk factors in this area
are already identified and the relevant requirements are laid down in national
and European Community law (e.g. on heavy metals, pathogens). An increasing
issue is having comprehensive risk assessments of the potential presence of
antimicrobial substances and microbial contamination in animal by-products,
organic fertilizers, soil improvers and natural fertilizers. Pilot studies in this field
were undertaken at the Department of Hygiene of Animal Feedingstuffs of the
National Veterinary Research Institute in Puławy.
- Publikacje [625]