Wyświetlanie pozycji 1-10 z 11
Occurrence of marine biotoxins in bivalve molluscs available in Poland in 2014-2018
Introduction: Marine biotoxins are toxic substances that may cause illness and death in marine organisms and humans. This
article disseminates the results of a 4-year study on the occurrence of marine biotoxins in raw ...
Porcine enteric coronavirus infections in wild boar in Poland - a pilot study
(National Veterinary Research Institute in Pulawy, 2021)
Introduction: Porcine epidemic diarrhoea virus (PEDV) of the Coronaviridae family causes significant economic losses in the pig industry worldwide. Wild boars contribute to the transmission of different viral, bacterial ...
Seroprevalence of feline foamy virus in domestic cats in Poland
(National Veterinary Research Institute in Pulawy, 2021)
Introduction: Feline foamy virus (FFVfca) is widespread and its prevalence in naturally infected domestic cats ranges between 30% and 80% worldwide. The infection is persistent, with a sustained antibody response in ...
Diagnostyka laboratoryjna chorób świń Cz. II. Pułapki w interpretacji wyników badań laboratoryjnych.
(Elamed Media Group, 2021)
Badania laboratoryjne są obecnie nieodłącznym elementem programów ochrony zdrowia w stadach świń. Są one jednym z podstawowych narzędzi wykorzystywanych przez lekarzy weterynarii w rozpoznawaniu chorób trzody chlewnej oraz ...
Serologic Survey for West Nile Virus in Wild Boars (Sus scrofa) in Poland
Serum samples obtained from 474 wild boars (Sus scrofa) were collected from June 2017 to September 2018 from various areas of northern and southern Poland. Serum samples were examined by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. ...
Occurrence of Equine Foamy Virus Infection in Horses from Poland
Equine foamy virus (EFVeca) is a foamy virus of non-primate origin and among the least-studied members of this retroviral subfamily. By sequence comparison, EFVeca shows the highest similarity to bovine foamy virus. In ...
Is serological monitoring a fit-for-purpose tool to assess the epidemiological situation of tuberculosis in the sylvatic species of European bison (Bison bonasus) in Poland?
(National Veterinary Research Institute in Pulawy; Poland, 2022)
Introduction: Bovine tuberculosis is one of the most dangerous zoonotic diseases. Despite the near-complete elimination of the disease from cattle breeding in Poland achieved in 2009, its re-emergence is now observed. ...
Diagnosis and phylogenetic analysis of bovine viral diarrhea virus in cattle (Bos taurus) and buffaloes (Bubalus bubalis) from the Amazon region and Southeast Brazil
(Scielo, 2022)
Bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV) is a highly infectious pathogen that affects bovinesworldwide leading to great economic impact. Although Brazil has the largest commercial cattlepopulation throughout the world and an ...
A large-scale study on the seroprevalence of small ruminant lentiviral infection in the Polish goat population
A large-scale study was carried out in a Polish goat population in 2014–2022 to determine the herd-level (between-herd) and within-herd seroprevalence of small ruminant lentivirus (SRLV) infection. A total of 8354 adult ...
Development of a recombinant protein-based ELISA for detection of antibodies against bovine herpesvirus 6 (BoHV6)
(National Veterinary Research Institute in Pulawy; Poland, 2023)
Introduction: Bovine herpesvirus 6 (BoHV6) belongs to the Herpesviridae family, Gammaherpesvirinae subfamily and Macavirus genus. It is common in cattle, but was also detected in American bison (Bison bison) and water ...