A large-scale study on the seroprevalence of small ruminant lentiviral infection in the Polish goat population
Preventive Veterinary Medicine
Kaba, J.
Czopowicz, M.
Kuźmak, J.
Olech, M.
Witkowski, L.
Moroz-Fik, A.
Mickiewicz, M.
Biernacka, K.
Nalbert, T.
Bereznowski, A.
Szaluś-Jordanow, O.
Potarniche, A.V.
Spinu, M.
Markowska-Daniel, I.
Bagnicka, E.
Pokaż pełny rekordStreszczenie
A large-scale study was carried out in a Polish goat population in 2014–2022 to determine the herd-level (between-herd) and within-herd seroprevalence of small ruminant lentivirus (SRLV) infection. A total of 8354 adult goats (aged >1 year) from 165 herds located in various regions of Poland were serologically tested using a commercial ELISA. One hundred twenty eight herds were randomly selected while 37 were enrolled based on convenience non-random sampling. At least 1 seropositive result was obtained in 103 / 165 herds. For all these herds the probability that they were truly positive (herd-level positive predictive value) was calculated. It was ≥ 90% in 91 seropositive herds and 73% to < 90% in 12 herds in which only 1–4 goats were seropositive (22 goats in total). The seropositive goats in the latter herds were retested using a different commercial ELISA and 14 goats (9 males and 5 females) from 9 herds were confirmed to be seropositive (serial testing). The true herd-level seroprevalence was estimated at 61% (95% confidence interval [CI 95%]: 53%–68%). It differed significantly between herd size classes (p = 0.003): the highest prevalences were found in the medium (51 – 100 adult goats) and large herds (>100 adult goats) – 72% (CI 95%: 56–84%) and 86% (CI 95%: 67%–95%), respectively, while prevalences in very small (≤ 20 adult goats) and small herds (21 – 50 adult goats) were 46% (CI 95%: 34%–59%) and 57% (CI 95%: 43%–70%), respectively. The true herd-level seroprevalence differed significantly also between geographical regions of Poland (p = 0.003), with the highest values in the north-western and the lowest in the southern region of the country. The true within-herd seroprevalence estimated using a Bayesian approach ranged from 0.7% to 100% with the median (IQR) of 42% (17%–84%), and did not vary significantly between herd size classes (p = 0.393) or geographical regions of Poland (p = 0.570). Concluding, SRLV infection is widespread in the Polish goat population, the north-western region of Poland is most extensively infected, and herds counting > 50 adult goats are more often infected.
- Publikacje [597]