Wyświetlanie pozycji 1-10 z 25
The Risk of False-Positive Serological Results for Paratuberculosis in Mycobacterium bovis-Infected Cattle
(MDPI, 2021)
Both bovine tuberculosis (BTB) and paratuberculosis (paraTB) continue to cause significant economic losses in cattle breeding; in addition, their etiological agents have zoonotic potential. Although the diagnostics of both ...
Pregnancy in European bison (Bison bonaus) with generalized tuberculosis – no evidence of vertical transmission
Introduction and objective:
One of the main health threats to the endangered European bison (Bison bonsasus) is bovine tuberculosis, the pathogenesis of which in this species is not fully known. The aim of the study was ...
Microbiological and molecular monitoring for bovine tuberculosis in the Polish population of European bison (Bison bonasus)
Introduction and objective. In recent years, bovine tuberculosis (BTB) has become one of the major health hazards facing the European bison (EB, Bison bonasus), a vulnerable species that requires active protection, including ...
Epizootic assessment of Mycobacterium avium spp. paratuberculosis infections in cattle in Poland in 2011-2020 as a potential etiological factor of Crohn's disease in humans.
Mycobacterium avium spp. paratuberculosis (MAP) is a bacterial germ and the etiologic agent in paratuberculosis also known as Johne's disease, a debilitating disease seen in animals. MAP is one of the triggers in the ...
Alpacas new breeding species in Poland. Part III. Reproduction.
(Krajowa Izba Lekarsko-Weterynaryjna, 2021)
Alpacas are a new breeding species in Poland. They have been bred for over a decade and interest in them is constantly growing. It is estimated that their number in our country may already reach 3,000 individuals. As ...
Alpaki – nowy gatunek hodowlany w Polsce. Część II. Hodowla i żywienie.
(Krajowa Izba Lekarsko-Weterynaryjna, 2020)
The article presents the next part of the series "Alpacas - a new breeding species in Poland". This time, the authors focused on the husbandry, breeding and feeding of alpacas. Alpacas must be fed, watered and protected ...
Alpaki nowy gatunek hodowlany w Polsce. Część I. Ogólna charakterystyka gatunku.
(Krajowa Izba Lekarsko-Weterynaryjna, 2020)
The article describes the general characteristics of the alpacas , a new breeding species in Poland. Alpaca (Vicugna pacos) belongs to the camelid family (Camelidae). It is a medium-sized animal with quite original body ...
Alpaki – nowy gatunek hodowlany w Polsce. Część IV. Poród i opieka nad noworodkiem
(Krajowa Izba Lekarsko-Weterynaryjna, 2022)
Due to the fact that the reproductive physiology of camelids differs from other farm animals, the authors decided to present the specificity of alpacas reproduction. The first part presented general knowledge about sexual ...
Znaczenie witamin w żywieniu alpak
(Apra-wetpress s.c., 2022)
Ponieważ chów i hodowla alpak stają się w Polsce coraz bardziej popularne, chcielibyśmy,
we współpracy z wieloma specjalistami, przybliżyć Czytelnikom Lecznicy fizjologię tego
gatunku i ich problemy zdrowotne. W tej ...
Mixed Infection of Mycobacterium szulgai, M. lentiflavum, and Gram-Negative Bacteria as a Cause of Death in a Brown Caiman Caiman crocodylus: A Case Report
(MDPI, 2022)
This paper describes a fatal case of nontuberculosis mycobacteriosis in a four-year-old brown caiman kept in captivity. Although the clinical signs were asymptomatic, severe gross lesions were observed, namely necrotic ...