Occurrence of emerging ruminant viruses in goats in Poland
Polish Journal of Veterinary Sciences
Health status of Polish goat population in regard to the viral diseases remained mostlyunknown. In order to determine serological status of Polish goats for selected emerging ruminantviruses, 365 serum samples collected between 2017 and 2019 in 36 districts within 10 of Polishprovinces, were tested. No antibodies specific to Peste de Petite Ruminants Virus (PPRSV) andcapripoxviruses (CaPV) were found in any of the tested animals. Only single individual (0.27%)was seropositive to Blutongue Virus (BTV). Antibodies directed to Schmallenberg Virus (SBV)were detected in 46 goats which represented 12.6% of the tested population. No associationbetween seropositivity to SBV and year of sampling, province of origin, gender and age wasfound. In conclusion, among studied viral pathogens, currently only SBV seemed to be important for epidemiological status of Polish goats
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