Wykorzystanie zwierząt gospodarskich w celach naukowych i edukacyjnych – rola i zakres nadzoru lekarzy weterynarii
Życie Weterynaryjne
The farm animals, as ruminants and pigs, are primarily raised as food-producing animals, however they are also used for scientific and educational purposes. Given the wide range of diseases, they can suffer from, ensuring adequate animal health can be challenging. This article describes best practice recommendations focusing on cattle, sheep, goats and pigs healthcare and welfare, as well. It provides general and specific information useful in developing a health management program for farms, suppliers, and research centers, as well as guidance on selection of animals for research and educational purposes. Critical thinking, based on the areas of those animals use, is intended to help making informed and sensible decisions, to prepare exhaustive pathogen exclusion list. Implementation of best practices in animal health and welfare management, should be under the direction of a competent veterinarian with expertise and sufficient authority to take appropriate actions, as well as excellent
communication skills. It is strongly recommended that veterinarians of the research facility, work closely with the farm/supplier veterinarians
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