Pork as a Source of Diverse Viral Foodborne Infections: An Escalating Issue
Oglądaj/ Open
Szczotka-Bochniarz, Anna
Kochanowski, Maciej
Pokaż pełny rekordStreszczenie
This review synthesizes current knowledge on the risks posed by viral foodborne infections associated with pork, emphasizing their global prevalence and the complexity of managing such pathogens. It covers a range of significant viruses, including hepatitis A and E, norovirus, rotavirus, sapovirus, enterovirus, astrovirus, and enteric adenovirus. The role of pigs as reservoirs for diverse pathogens with zoonotic potential further complicates safety challenges, extending risks to individ uals involved in pork production and processing. Various factors influencing viral contamination throughout the meat production chain are explored, from farm-level practices to processing and handling procedures. Emphasis is placed on the critical importance of implementing effective control measures at each stage, including enhanced biosecurity, rigorous hygiene practices, and appropriate thermal processing techniques. Additionally, the need for improved surveillance and detection meth ods to effectively identify and monitor viral presence in meat products is highlighted. In conclusion, the necessity of adopting a One Health approach that integrates efforts in animal health, food safety, andpublic health to mitigate the risks of viral foodborne infections associated with meat consumption is underscored. This holistic strategy is essential for safeguarding consumer health and ensuring the safety of the global food supply
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