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Genome Medicine

dc.contributor.authorDourado Santos, João
dc.contributor.authorSobral, Daniel
dc.contributor.authorPinheiro, Miguel
dc.contributor.authorIsidro, Joana
dc.contributor.authorBogaardt, Carlijn
dc.contributor.authorPinto, Miguel
dc.contributor.authorEusébio, Rodrigo
dc.contributor.authorSantos, André
dc.contributor.authorMamede, Rafael
dc.contributor.authorL. Horton, Daniel
dc.contributor.authorPaulo Gomes, João
dc.contributor.author(TELEVIR Consortium) Rzeżutka, Artur
dc.contributor.authorBorges, Vítor
dc.description.abstractBackground: Implementation of clinical metagenomics and pathogen genomic surveillance can be particularly challenging due to the lack of bioinformatics tools and/or expertise. In order to face this challenge, we have previously developed INSaFLU, a free web-based bioinformatics platform for virus next-generation sequencing data analysis. Here, we considerably expanded its genomic surveillance component and developed a new module (TELEVIR) for metagenomic virus identification. Results: The routine genomic surveillance component was strengthened with new workflows and functionalities, including: i) a reference-based genome assembly pipeline for Oxford Nanopore technologies (ONT) data; ii) automated SARS-CoV-2 lineage classification; iii) Nextclade analysis; iv) Nextstrain phylogeographic and temporal analysis (SARS-CoV-2, seasonal and avian influenza, mpox, respiratory syncytial virus (RSV A/B), as well as a “generic” build for other viruses); and, v) algn2pheno for screening mutations of interest. Both INSaFLU pipelines for reference-based consensus generation (Illumina and ONT) were benchmarked against commonly used command line bioinformatics workflows for SARS-CoV-2, and an INSaFLU snakemake version was released. In parallel, a new module (TELEVIR) for virus detection was developed, after extensive benchmarking of state-of-the-art metagenomics software and following up-to-date recommendations and practices in the field. TELEVIR allows running complex workflows, covering several combinations of steps (e.g., with/without Viral enrichment/Host depletion), classification software (e.g., Kaiju, Kraken2, Centrifuge, FastViromeExplorer) and databases (RefSeq viral genome, Virosaurus, etc), while culminating in user- and diagnosis-oriented reports. Finally, to potentiate real-time virus detection during ONT runs, we developed findONTime, a tool aimed at reducing costs and the time between sample reception and diagnosis. Conclusion: The accessibility, versatility and functionality of INSaFLU-TELEVIR is expected to supply public health laboratories and researchers with a user-oriented bioinformatics framework that promotes a strengthened and timely viral metagenomic detection and routine genomics surveillance. INSaFLU-TELEVIR is compatible with Illumina, Ion Torrent and ONT data and is freely available at https://insaflu.insa.pt/ (online tool) and https://github.com/INSaFLU (code).
dc.publisherBioMed Central
dc.subjectmetagenomic detection
dc.subjectgenomic surveillance
dc.titleINSaFLU-TELEVIR: an open web-based bioinformatics suite for viral metagenomic detection and routine genomic surveillance
dcterms.bibliographicCitation2024, vol. 16, Article number: 61
dcterms.titleGenome Medicine

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