Kryzysy dioksynowe oraz przepisy prawne dotyczące dioksyn
Życie Weterynaryjne
Pajurek, Marek
Warenik-Bany, Małgorzata
Mikołajczyk, Szczepan
Pokaż pełny rekordStreszczenie
Dioxins (PCDD/PCDFs), and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), still remain ofinterest to the European Union due to their toxic effects even at very low doses.However, it was only after the so-called “Belgian crisis”, that the EuropeanCommission (EC), aiming at a high level of consumers health protection,introduced a number of legal solutions strived at ensuring food and feed safety.The strategy adopted by the European Union allowed for the harmonization ofon environmental pollution and the food chain regulatory rules. This articlediscusses the applicable EU legal regulations regarding dioxins and PCBs in foodand feed and the research methods used in the official control of undesirablecontaminants.
- Publikacje [594]