Influenza D in Domestic and Wild Animals
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Kwaśnik, Małgorzata
Rola, Jerzy
Rożek, Wojciech
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Influenza D virus (IDV) infections have been observed in animals worldwide, confirmedthrough both serological and molecular tests, as well as virus isolation. IDV possesses uniqueproperties that distinguish it from other influenza viruses, primarily attributed to the hemagglutinin-esterase fusion (HEF) surface glycoprotein, which determines the virus’ tropism and wide hostrange. Cattle are postulated to be the reservoir of IDV, and the virus is identified as one of thecausative agents of bovine respiratory disease (BRD) syndrome. Animals associated with humansand susceptible to IDV infection include camels, pigs, small ruminants, and horses. Notably, highseroprevalence towards IDV, apart from cattle, is also observed in camels, potentially constitutinga reservoir of the virus. Among wild and captive animals, IDV infections have been confirmed inferal pigs, wild boars, deer, hedgehogs, giraffes, wildebeests, kangaroos, wallabies, and llamas. Thetransmission potential and host range of IDV may contribute to future viral differentiation. It hasbeen confirmed that influenza D may pose a threat to humans as a zoonosis, with seroprevalencenoted in people with professional contact with cattle
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