Szczepionka przeciwko afrykańskiemu pomorowi świń. Obecny stan badań, trudności i perspektywy
Życie Weterynaryjne
Walczak, Marek
Juszkiewicz, Małgorzata
Woźniakowski, Grzegorz
Szymankiewicz, Krzesimir
Podgórska, Katarzyna
Pokaż pełny rekordStreszczenie
African swine fever virus (ASFV), causes one of the most perilous diseases ofboth, domestic swine and wild boar. In recent years, it has been spreading acrossEurope, Asia, and also North and South America. Due to ASFV transmissionand persistence in the environment, widespread strategy for the control anderadication is desperately required. The commercial and smallholder swineindustries need effective work plan. Culling and immediate cremation of pigswithin the affected areas is often performed. In EU infected wild boars haveposed a significant challenge and continuous infection pressure. ASF vaccineis not anticipated to be available very soon as a tool to assist with eradication,but the ongoing research in this area presents promising results. In this article,we highlight the latest advancements, challenges, and prospects surroundingthe development of such a vaccine
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