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Vector-Borne Viral Diseases as a Current Threat for Human and Animal Health—One Health Perspective
(MDPI, 2022)
Over the last decades, an increase in the emergence or re-emergence of arthropod-borne
viruses has been observed in many regions. Viruses such as dengue, yellow fever, or zika are a threat
for millions of people on ...
SARS-CoV-2 monitoring on mink farms in Poland
(National Veterinary Research Institute in Pulawy; Poland, 2022)
Introduction: Many countries have reported severe acute respiratory syndrome-coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infections in mink, and transmission back to humans has raised the concern of novel variants emerging in these animals. ...
Protein-Coding region derived small RNA in exosomes from Influenza a virus–infected cells
(MDPI, 2022)
Abstract: Exosomes may function as multifactorial mediators of cell-to-cell communication, playingcrucial roles in both physiological and pathological processes. Exosomes released from virus-infected cells may contain RNA ...