Wyświetlanie pozycji 1-4 z 4
The potential risk of international spread of Mycobacterium bovis associated with movement of alpacas
(National Veterinary Research Institute in Pulawy; Poland, 2022)
Introduction: The study highlights the transboundary nature of tuberculosis (TB) in alpacas and the failure of current ante-mortem testing protocols (the tuberculin skin and Enferplex Camelid TB tests) to identify TB-free ...
Infection of a Free-Living Wild Boar ( Sus scrofa) with a Bacterium from the Mycobacterium kansasii Complex
(MDPI, 2022)
The most numerous group of bacteria in the genus Mycobacterium is the nontuberculous mycobacteria. Currently, over 200 species of bacteria have been classified as belonging to this group, of which approximately 30 are ...
Pulmonary mycobacteriosis of sitatunga antelope caused by M. avium ssp. hominissuis
Introduction and objective:Mycobacteriosis are diseases caused by acid-fast mycobacteria other than M. leprae and tuberculous mycobacteria. Animal mycobacteriosis is often caused by M. avium ssp. hominissuis. Many species ...
Występowanie zakażeń Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex u zwierząt. Część II. Zwierzęta towarzyszące.
(Krajowa Izba Lekarsko-Weterynaryjna, 2022)
Tuberculosis is a chronic infectious disease, that can affect humans as well as farm, wild and companion animals. adue to close and frquent contacts with human,companion animal pose the greatest threat to tha public health ...