Wyświetlanie pozycji 1-4 z 4
SARS-CoV-2 monitoring on mink farms in Poland
(National Veterinary Research Institute in Pulawy; Poland, 2022)
Introduction: Many countries have reported severe acute respiratory syndrome-coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infections in mink, and transmission back to humans has raised the concern of novel variants emerging in these animals. ...
Wścieklizna w Polsce w 2021 roku
(Polskie Towarzystwo Nauk Weterynaryjnych, 2022)
Until 2020, the rabies epizootic situation in Poland was favourable. This was interrupted, however, by a rabies outbreak in Mazowieckie voivodeship, which caused a drastic increase in rabies cases among animals, mainly red ...
Cryptic SARS-CoV-2 lineage identified on two mink farms as a possible result of long-term undetected circulation in an unknown animal reservoir, Poland, November 2022 to January 2023
(ECDC, 2023)
In late 2022 and early 2023, SARS-CoV-2 infectionswere detected on three mink farms in Poland situated within a few km from each other. Whole-genome sequencing of the viruses on two of the farms showed that they were related ...
Prevalence of Astroviruses in Different Animal Species in Poland
(MDPI, 2024)
Astroviruses (AstVs) are small RNA viruses characterized by a high mutation rate, the ability to recombine, and interspecies transmission, which allows them to infect a multitude of hosts including humans, companion animals, ...