Wyświetlanie pozycji 1-1 z 1

    • Effect of chokeberry pomace as a feed additive for high-producing dairy goats on oxidative stress parameters and quality of milk 

      Szymańska-Czerwińska, Monika; Matin, Maima; Niemczuk, Krzysztof; Strzałkowska, Nina; Osiński, Zbigniew; Horbańczuk, Karina; Wierzbicka, Agnieszka; Horbańczuk, Jarosław Olav; Atanasov Atanas, Georgiev; Jóźwik, Artur (National Veterinary Research Institute in Pulawy; Poland, 2024)
      IntroductionChokeberry pomace, rich in polyphenolic compounds, holds potential to be a valuable feed additive for enhancing the antioxidative capacity and overall quality of milk. This study explores the impact of dietary ...