Przetworzone białka pochodzenia zwierzęcego w żywieniu zwierząt gospodarskich – nowe uwarunkowania
Życie Weterynaryjne
This article describes current legal regulations on the use of animal proteins in animal feeding, with the special interest on general rules in BSE prevention and control. Now, after more than twenty years, the feed ban on animal proteins was lifted, what has forced the implementation of several control measures in the feed chain. The use of processed animal protein (PAP), of porcine origin in poultry feed and PAP of poultry origin in the swine feed has been authorized already. It requires the application of well-defined conditions during the collection, transport and production of those PAPs.. Regular sampling and laboratory analysis should be performed in order to avoid the risk and to the verificationof the absence of cross contamination with prohibited ruminant proteins and intra-species recycling.
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