Effect of the addition of chokeberry leaf extract on the physicochemical and sensory properties of burgers from dark cutting veal
Food Chemistry
Kowalczyk, Marek
Domaradzki, Piotr
Materska, Małgorzata
Florek, Mariusz
Kaliniak-Dziura, Agnieszka
Skałecki, Piotr
Żółkiewski, Paweł
Grenda, Tomasz
Pabich, Marzena
Pokaż pełny rekordStreszczenie
The occurrence of the DFD defect shortens microbiological stability and reduces consumer acceptance of meat.The effect of a chokeberry leaf extract (ChLE) addition at concentrations of 0.01 %, 0.05 % and 0.1 % on thesensory and physicochemical properties of burgers prepared from DFD meat during refrigerated storage undervacuum for 10 days was assessed. The pH, water activity, texture, colour, degree of lipid oxidation, and contentof α-tocopherol were measured. The extract at concentrations of 0.05 % and 0.1 % significantly influenced lowerlevels of lipid oxidation and higher content of α-tocopherol on each tested period. Moreover, these concentra-tions had a beneficial effect on the instrumental and sensory evaluation of texture parameters and on overallquality. It was concluded that the addition of 0.1 % extract was the most beneficial over the entire 10-day storageperiod. In summary, use of ChLE may reduce the loss of raw meat caused by DFD defect.
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