In vitro effectiveness of acaricides avaible on the market in Poland against national populations of dermanyssus gallinae
Annals of Parasitology
Zdybel, Jolanta
Cencek, Tomasz
Kominek, Aleksandra
Włodarczyk-Ramus, Magdalena
Karamon, Jacek
Roczeń-Karczmarz, Monika
Demkowska-Kutrzepa, Marta
Pokaż pełny rekordStreszczenie
The control of poultry red mites Dermanyssusgallinae (De Geer, 1778) is very difficult due to the high resistance of these parasites to acaricides. The aim of the study was to determine the resistance of D. gallinae mites from various farms in Poland to commonly used acaricides and to indicate the most effective preparations available on the market for their control. The research was carried out in 2015–2019 in 42 cage farms for laying hens located in 13 voivodeships of Poland. The research was carried out on 10 acaricidal preparations in relation to red mites, available on the market, containing, among others, active substances: avermectin, cypermethrin, permethrin, bendiocarb, carboxylate, phenoxy benzyl, carbamate and silicon dioxide. The research was carried out using the own method (Cencek et al. 2011; Zdybel et al. 2011), assessing the sensitivity of mites collected from farms 24 hours after application.It was established that the sources of miteinfestation in the farms covered by the study werehens, eggs and egg collection nets brought fromother farms. In most farms, the most intenseinfestations of red mites occurred in late spring.Acaricides containing bendiocarb – FICAM 80 andpreparations containing silica BIOBECK (silicondioxide) and RECIDAL SIL (diatomaceous earth)showed the highest effectiveness against themajority of the red mite population. Their maeneffectiveness was 97.3%, 94.2% and 91.02%,respectively. Contrary to preparations containingpyrethroid compounds. The preparation with aphysical effect based on the 3D-IPNS technology(3D-Immobilizing Polymeric Net Structure)DERGALL turned out to be equqlly ineffective 24 hours after the application.
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