Choroby odzwierzęce u ludzi przenoszone drogą pokarmową oraz ich bakteryjne czynniki etiologiczne u zwierząt i w żywności w krajach Unii Europejskiej w 2020 r.
Życie Weterynaryjne
In November 2021, the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) and the European
Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC), published the recent report
on the monitoring of zoonoses and zoonotic agents in the European Union (EU),
in 2020. The number of cases was usually much lower than in 2019, mainly due
to lack of the United Kingdom data (non-EU Member State since January 31,
2020). Campylobacteriosis was still the first most reported zoonotic disease in
the EU with 120,946 laboratory confirmed cases, including 414 in Poland. Poultry
meat is probably still the most important food-borne source of Campylobacter
due to remained a high level of these bacteria. Salmonellosis was the second
most commonly recorded zoonosis with 52,702 confirmed human cases
(5,205 in Poland), and Salmonella was mainly identified in fresh poultry meat
and products thereof. In 2020, yersiniosis was the third on the list of reported
zoonoses in EU, with a total of 7,048 cases (87 in Poland). VTEC infections in
humans were identified in 4,446 people in the EU (only three cases in Poland),
whereas the number of listeriosis cases was 1,876, including 62 people in Poland.
However, the mortality was still high, since 167 (almost 9%), patients have died.
The number of Francisella tularensis infections and Q fever cases were 641 and
523, respectively, which were much lower than in the previous year. Brucella
and Mycobacterium bovis or M. caprae infected people identified in 2020 were
128 and 88 (none in Poland), respectively.
- Publikacje [593]