Przeglądaj według autora "Wang Yang"
Development and Clinical Validation of a Potential Penside Colorimetric Loop-Mediated Isothermal Amplification Assay of Porcine Circovirus Type 3
Zhang Jie; Li Miaomiao; Ou Yunwen; Chen Danian; Ding Yaozhong; Wang Yang; Zhang Weibing; Li Yanjun; Hou Qian; Li Xiaoyun; Zhou Luoyi; Podgórska Katarzyna; Zaberezhny Alexei D.; Szczotka-Bochniarz Anna; Liu Yongsheng (FRONTIERS MEDIA SA; SWITZERLAND, 2022)Porcine circovirus type 3 (PCV3), a novel circovirus, imposes great burdens on theglobal pig industry. The penside tests for detecting PCV3 are critical for assessingthe epidemiological status and working out disease ...